Prashant Bordia

Prashant Bordia is a Professor of Management at ANU and the founder and coordinator of WARN.

His research interests include retirement transition and adjustment, work stress over the lifespan and psychological contracts of older workers.

Showcase project

Broken Promises at Work: This study examines the effects of perceptions of psychological contract breach on two wellbeing indicators of older workers: psychological distress and insomnia.

Ongoing research projects

  1. The differential effects of job demands and resources over the lifespan
  2. Pathways to retirement
  3. Effects of psychological contract breach on psychological strain experienced by older workers

Publications pertaining to work and ageing

  • Sarandopoulos, L., & Bordia, P. (2021). Resource Passageways and Caravans: A Multi-level, Multi-disciplinary Review of the Antecedents of Resources over the Lifespan, Work, Aging and Retirement.
  • Bordia, P., Read, S., & Bordia, S. (2020). Retiring: Role Identity Processes in Retirement Transition. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(5), 445-460.
  • Abbasi, A. & Bordia, P. (2019). Thinking, young & old: Cognitive job demands and strain across the lifespan. Work, Ageing, & Retirement, 5, 91-113.
  • Amarnani, R. K., Restoburg, S. L. D., Bordia, P., & Abbasi, A. A. (2019). Age as double-edged sword among victims of customer mistreatment: A self-esteem threat perspective. Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.3389/hrm.21949.
  • Caines, V., Earl, J. K., & Bordia, P. (2019). Self-employment in later life: How future time perspective and social support influence self-employment interest. Frontiers in Pyschology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00448.
  • Zacher, H., Jimmiesion, N. L., & Bordia, P. (2014). Time pressure and co-worker support mediate the curvilinear relationship between age and occupational well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology19(4), 462-475.
  • Garcia, P.R.J.M., Milkovits, M., & Bordia, P. (2014). The impact of work-family conflict on late-career workers’ intentions to continue paid employment: A social cognitive career theory approach. Journal of Career Assessment22, 682-699.


I am currently inviting expressions of interest from industry partners to collaborate on the following projects

Work-to-retirement transitions have become longer, diverse and more complicated than in the past. We are researching individual career trajectories as well as organisational practices in work-to-retirement transition. We particularly welcome employers willing to share their successes and challenges in helping employees transition to retirement.