Rajiv Amarnani

Rajiv K. Amarnani is a Lecturer in the University of Western Australia Business School. 

His research examines how older workers’ careers—and their sense of self—evolve and change in later life. He is especially interested how older workers make forecasts about their future work, life, and careers.

Ongoing research projects

  1. The differential effects of job demands and resources over the lifespan
  2. A stranglehold on older workers—dynamics of excessive obligation across the lifespan
  3. Transitions and shifts in employment relationships in later life

Publications pertaining to work and ageing

  • Garcia, P.R.J.M., Amarnani, R.K., Bordia, P., & Restubog, S.L.D. (2021). When support is unwanted: The role of psychological contract type and perceived organizational support in predicting bridge employment intentions. Journal of Vocational Behavior. (ABDC ranking: A*)

  • Amarnani, R.K., Restubog, S.L.D., Bordia, P., & Abbasi, A.A. (2019). Age as double-edged sword among victims of customer mistreatment: A self-esteem threat perspective. Human Resource Management, 58, 285-299. (FT50; ABDC ranking: A*)